showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Meikyu Gakuensai: Kyuu Koushha no Nazo  ?? automap gridmove monsters labelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1988 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem labelimageminimize
The Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate  Pony Canyon1992 automap bardstale bardstaleengine dimensionaltravel dungeoncrawler femaleprotagonist genderchoice gridmove group magic maleprotagonist roses roses-blue roses-red roses-white roses-yellow sorcery labelimageminimize
Brandish 2: The Planet Buster Nihon Falcom1993 automap brandish minimap labelimageminimize
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  Electronic Arts Victor (Blue Sky Productions)1993 automap falselyaccused floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld giantinsects goblins immersivesim jumping luggage magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters noinvpause sorcery subterranean swords systemsdriven ultima ultimauw walking labelimageminimize
Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan  Nihon Falcom1994 automap brandish inventory minimap labelimageminimize
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos  Starcraft (Westwood Studios)1994 adv-static anuroids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows chosenone city crossbows damagetypes deities difficulty-ingame eob-engine eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids femaleantagonist fictionaluniverse forest gridmove group illusionarywalls inventory inventory-shared itempickup-instant jewelry knives landsoflore magic magicartefacts meleeweapons minecarts monsters nontolkienian polearms polymathprotagonist premadecharacters resting scummvm seers serious shopping sorcery statuseffects swords throwanything thrownweapons toxins variableabilitypower voiceovers walking wands wetland xp-kills xp-multi xp-other labelimageminimize